In this time when so much is unknown, and information overload is rampant, it can be difficult to know where to put our attention. Sometimes, we bring our focus to what we do not want – and this can create fear. If we shift our focus to what we have and the possibilities presented to us, we can decrease stress, enhance health and often manage challenges more effectively.
A few suggestions that have worked for us:
- Focus on Gratitude – recognize and express gratitude for what you have: your children, your house, your health, your eyesight, fresh water, toilet paper….
- Attached is an article from UC Berkeley on How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain.
- Focus on What you DO Want
- For instance: Instead of saying “I don’t want to get sick”
- Say: “I see myself, my family and friends, healthy, strong and happy. We are joined together and bringing out the best in each other.”
- Visualize what that scenario would look like, sound like and feel like.
- This practice can raise your vibration and help keep you strong.
- Take a Breath
- When you start feeling yourself spinning and overwhelmed, step away for a minute. Go outside if you can and take a breath or 3 or 10 😉
- For more details see: Deep Breathing Exercises to Relieve Anxiety
One more thought: Remember the Song – Put a Little Love in your Heart? If we choose LOVE…we help the world heal.