FLOW Aquatics’ Top 7 Swim Safety Tips

To kick off water safety month, we’re sharing tips for families to help keep your kiddos safe around the water this summer. Idaho leads the nation in unintentional drownings second only to Florida, and we want to do our part to promote education and awareness. Here are our top seven tips for swim safety:

  1. Ask permission.

Before going in, on, or near any body of water, make sure your child knows to ask permission. This is particularly important because if a child approaches the water without you knowing and something goes wrong, you won’t be there to help.

  1. Designate water watchers.

Water watching is an important part of our program at FLOW Aquatics. We value your kiddos’ safety and it’s one of the many ways we are able to add an extra layer of safety when you’re at our pool. But designating a water watcher is appropriate whenever you are at any body of water. You can never assume someone else is watching the water, take the responsibility and designate yourself a water watcher next time you go swimming. If a child is missing, check the pool first. Every second counts.

  1. Equip your kids with the proper flotation devices.

If your child needs to use a flotation device, it’s important to know which ones work and which don’t. For example, always use a coast-guard-approved lifejacket. Check out these tips from the United States Coast Guard.

  1. Ensure safety at home.

If you have a pool at home, make sure it is water safe. The pool should have barriers tall enough so no one can climb over and go into the water, a gate that locks so children can’t get in, and be sure to keep items clear from the sides so adventurous children don’t climb up, over, and in.

  1. Learn basic life support skills.

Teaching your kids how and why to call 9-1-1 is a life-saving skill. Also going to a local CPR and first aid class could mean the difference between life and death in a water-related accident. In the case of an emergency, it is important that they know what to do. Sign up for a class with your kids today.

  1. Learn to swim.

Most importantly, you should learn how to swim. This is a life skill that will benefit a person at any age or stage in life. Whether you are an adult or a child you should take the time to learn. Sign up now.

  1. Teach others.

By now you are on your way to being a swim safety expert. But remember, the best way to prevent accidents from happening is sharing your knowledge as well as preventative steps you can take to ensure everyone is safe and has a good time.