Here at FLOW Aquatics, we have an incredible team of genuine and hardworking coaches who are always there for us and our students. Coach Jodi is no exception; after four years of working with us here at FLOW it is finally time to tell her story.
Coach Jodi spends most of her time behind the front desk greeting every person who walks by, her cheerful conversation always adds a little sunshine to their day. You can’t get by Coach Jodi without cracking a smile; her upbeat personality keeps us positive and cheerful, even on the gloomiest of days. Read on for our Q&A with Coach Jodi. We’re sure you’ll see why we appreciate her so much!
Tell us about your background. Where are you originally from? What was the swim culture like when you were a child and/or where you grew up?
I grew up in Montana and we learned to swim the chilly way—in the creek behind the house!
How did you feel about the water when you were a child?
I loved it and still do! You had to work pretty hard to get me out of the pool.
Tell us more about your experience teaching, whether swim classes or elsewhere.
I have an endless supply of Little Munchkins, thanks in no small way to my sister giving birth to roughly the equivalence of a small country! Plus, I have a fairly healthy gathering of grandkids, as well. So over the years, I have have taught kids of all ages, everything from pottery to guitar and, of course, swimming. Just not simultaneously, as it can be rough on the guitar.
What do you love most about teaching?
Feeling useful and seeing the light go on when a little one—or grown up, for that matter—finally “gets it”.
Have you received any relevant accolades, awards, or achievements?
I can speak Pig Latin fluently and, oddly enough, underwater.
What is your number one recommended swim safety tip?
Always know where you and yours are when in or around any body of water. Drowning is fast and silent.
Describe an experience you had in the water that changed your perspective of swimming.
The first time I swam in the ocean. The sheer power was breathtaking and reinforced my respect for all bodies of water.
How has FLOW Aquatics changed how you view swimming and/or water safety?
The folks here at FLOW Aquatics are some of the finest people I have ever worked for. They set the coaching bar high and safety is a number one priority. They offer a safe and secure environment not only for students, but for employees as well!
You often volunteer to take on artsy projects at FLOW Aquatics, everything from designing fliers and t-shirts to the next FLOW contest. Tell us more about your creative background.
I like to think of myself as a starving artist (although my waistline doesn’t necessarily reflect the starving part!). I have a BFA from Boise State University with an emphasis in ceramics.
I work mostly in clay, wood, stone and bronze. Most, but not all, of my work is three dimensional and functional. Art for the sake of art is something to aspire to, for sure, but I am sucker for a well-crafted coffee mug!
Having the chance to help design a few things here at FLOW lets me slip into my “art brain” from time to time, which makes me very happy!
When you aren’t giving your all to FLOW Aquatics what do you find yourself doing in
your free time?
I spend most of my free time with my partner of 19 years, our family, friends, and a persnickety gray cat that doesn’t understand the meaning of “NO!”. I like to build things, play music and collect antiques. Oh, and I like to fish….no….I love to fish! No, I NEED to fish! It is a form of meditation for me, really. It’s quiet, peaceful and methodical. Now don’t get me wrong, I so dig landing the big lunkers in any body of water, but that’s something altogether different. That’s called CATCHING. Fishing is time spent in a purposeful meander, where you don’t really care where you start or where you end up, as long as the weather is not too rough and there’s coffee in the thermos.
You always have a interesting story to tell. Please share with our readers some of your experiences during the late ‘80s and ’90s.
I spent my twenties in the music business, playing in various bands in the Western United States. I recorded some original material in the early ‘90s and then went to Nashville and did some demo work. I had a blast, met some amazing people, and had the chance to play music with some of the best studio musicians in the business at the time. I loved every minute of it! I regret nothing—except for the big hair! I am still not completely convinced that the ridiculous amounts of Aqua Net we used back in the 1980s isn’t the reason that I have little to no hair left on my old noggin today! But, whaddya gonna do?

Coach Jodi is an essential part of our team here at FLOW Aquatics. She always knows what to say to cheer us up and she can design one heck of a t-shirt. We sure are glad she decided to settle down with us. As long as we let her go fishing every once in awhile, she won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
Next time you stop by the front desk be sure to ask Coach Jodi for a story. We can guarantee it will be a good one.
Happy FLOWing!!