Faces of FLOW Profile: Meet Coach Lucas

Hey—it’s me, Toda, again! I want to tell you more about our awesome team and introduce you to Coach Lucas! I’m sure you have seen him back at the pool, now that he has finally returned from his fishing expedition in Alaska. Coach Lucas is the kind of guy you can talk to and joke […]

Faces of FLOW Profile: Meet Coach Kathie

At FLOW Aquatics, we’re one big happy family—sometimes literally! Meet Coach Kathie, mom to Coach Hailee and to Christopher, who works as one of our Pilot Fish (helping our students prepare for their classes and providing general assistance). When it comes to teaching, Coach Kathie is a natural, too. In addition to being a part […]

Faces of FLOW Profile: Meet Lauren

Hello! Toda here. It’s time to introduce you to another familiar face at FLOW Aquatics: Lauren Nakamura! Lauren knew from a young age that she wanted to be a teacher. Today, she is doing just that—as both an instructor here at the swim school, and she also works part-time at Sage International School, helping out […]

Faces of Flow Profile: Meet Chandler

Hey, everyone! Toda here. I want to introduce you to a familiar face at FLOW Aquatics: one that exudes happiness and fun, and brightens the room when he walks in. Meet Chandler Prohl. Chandler is the kind of person you meet and immediately know he can and will accomplish anything he sets his mind to. […]